How to make time in your life to achieve your goals
Do you wish you had the time to achieve your goals? They could be small goals, or a really big dream. You could be wanting to go on a holiday, or achieve a particular fitness goal, or find a new job, or declutter your house – there are so many possibilities. Although there are lots…
3 Reasons Why the Best Laid Plans Fail – and how to avoid that happening
I admit it, I love having a plan. I get genuine enjoyment in planning the details, I love making lists (and ticking things off!), and I honestly think it gives me that feeling of having some kind of control in this uncertain world. Whatever works, right?! Maybe you also love planning, or maybe you are…
A step-by-step guide to planning and budgeting for Christmas presents
I confess – I absolutely adore Christmas. There is so much I love about it: the decorations, lights, carols, Christmas movies, catching up with family and friends, the feelings of anticipation and goodwill – I love it all! And I truly love gift giving! Now I know not everyone loves this part, and it can…